Leafs vs. Columbus — How to Choose?

TORONTO (June 25) — If the National Hockey League is able to move forward with its Return To Play initiative this summer — and I don’t believe COVID–19 will cooperate — predicting the best–of–five “play in” rounds will be rather… Read More

Being The Bad Guy — Unwittingly

TORONTO (June 22) — I am trying hard to understand, beyond the obvious, why a number of long–time media pals are angry over my stance concerning the National Hockey League’s Return To Play scenario. The obvious being that these people… Read More

The “Sanctity” of the Leafs

TORONTO (June 20) — We’re all aware of the old bromide “many a truth said in jest.” This was, perhaps, best–exemplified early today by my Facebook “friend”, Michael Augello, in Buffalo, New York. After I posted, incredulously, that it’s okay… Read More

Will Paul Ever Get The Call?

TORONTO (June 12) — It remains one of hockey’s abiding mysteries: How is it that Paul Henderson, who scored arguably the most–influential and illustrious goal in the game’s history, cannot qualify as a member of the Hockey Hall of Fame?… Read More

Minnesota Wants Matthews: Scout

TORONTO (June 9) — Nearly three months after the last games were played in the National Hockey League, all remains relatively quiet. The NHL is hoping to gradually build toward a late–summer competition for the 2020 Stanley Cup, but there… Read More

Is He Mad Max? No, Not Really

TORONTO (June 6) — In a week during which former Minneapolis policeman, Derek Chauvin, was charged with second–degree murder in the death of black citizen George Floyd — and reviled across the globe — ESPN commentator Max Kellerman took a… Read More
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