NHLPA Needs To Step Up

TORONTO (Apr. 27) — Amid the ambiguity with regard to finishing the 2019–20 National Hockey League season, only one thing is certain: a Stanley Cup tournament cannot be conducted without players. As much as anyone, I wish for a 2020… Read More

My Donald Trump Rant

TORONTO (Apr. 18) — Off topic, yes, but some venting required: There is no more polarizing figure on the planet right now than United States President Donald Trump. He held that claim long before the COVID–19 pandemic and has augmented… Read More

The Maple Leafs Since Ballard

TORONTO (Apr. 12) — It became, without question, the most–familiar lament among hockey fans in this city during the “lost decade” of the 1980’s: “The Maple Leafs won’t win the Stanley Cup until Harold Ballard dies.” That departure occurred 30… Read More

Wrestling Nights at the Gardens

TORONTO (Apr. 10) — Next week, beginning Wednesday afternoon, will be the 50th anniversary of the ill–fated Apollo 13 lunar voyage, during which astronauts Jim Lovell, Fred Haise and Jack Swigert suffered an explosion of their main oxygen tank while… Read More

Lurching at L–A–X: A Leafs Travel Tale

TORONTO (Apr. 3) — In our COVID–19 universe, laughter is cathartic. Here is one story (among many) from my years (1994–2010) traveling with the Toronto Maple Leafs as a reporter for The FAN–590, Canada’s first all–sports radio station. Hope you… Read More
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