Strombo Has No Regrets

TORONTO (Nov. 27) — We haven’t heard much from George Stroumboulopoulos since he disappeared from the set of Hockey Night in Canada more than four years ago. And, that’s by design. Music listeners the world over certainly get their fill… Read More

The Night I Smelled Death in New York

It would have been nice to end my career with another Stanley Cup over my head instead of face–down at Madison Square Garden, but most people don’t get to choose how their career will end. — Nick Kypreos in UNDRAFTEDRead More

Reverse–Jersey Rage

TORONTO (Nov. 18) — For a long–time fan of the Toronto Maple Leafs, there is nothing more gloomy than a reminder of the Harold Ballard era. Particularly the “lost decade” of the 1980’s, when the team flopped and fizzled beneath… Read More

Could Leafs and Sabres Collaborate?

TORONTO (Nov. 14) — So, here’s an interesting idea: The Toronto Maple Leafs still need to upgrade their defense, even with T.J. Brodie and Zach Bogosian coming aboard as free agents. The Buffalo Sabres could use some help on the… Read More

Shhhhh… Don’t Wake Me Up

TORONTO (Nov. 11) — Remembrance Day here in Canada; Veterans Day in the United States. A time to honor the fallen heroes that protected our freedom in the two World Wars. And, for some, a time to remember the National… Read More

A Few Days When Sport Didn’t Matter

TORONTO (Nov. 8) — During the same week that Joe Biden toppled the most–unscrupulous political figure in the free world, right–winger Joey Anderson signed a three–year contract with the Toronto Maple Leafs. This absurd correlation (apart from Anderson’s position) underscores… Read More
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