TORONTO (Feb. 21) — This was happenstance you rarely see. Teammates in the National Hockey League; rivals in the most–hyped international shinny fracas since the “golden goal” that won the 2010 Winter Olympics.
Auston Matthews trapped in no–man’s land, between… Read More
TORONTO (Feb. 15) — In the Millennium of Overkill, tonight’s 4Nations encounter between Canada and the United States is being touted as the “best hockey game of all time.” Particularly among the millennials on television who aren’t even old enough… Read More
TORONTO (July 6) — While our city slept on Friday night into Saturday, Kawhi Leonard chose to join the Los Angeles Clippers as a free agent. This occurred only after the Clippers acquired star forward Paul George from the Oklahoma… Read More
TORONTO (June 7) — Earlier in the week, I posted this opinion on Twitter: “We are again seeing why the Leafs, as currently made up, aren’t suited for the Stanley Cup final. They cannot remotely match the level of physical… Read More
TORONTO (June 1) — Predictably, it took no time at all for the most–sophomoric angle to emerge from the Toronto Raptors brilliant playoff run: Has basketball become more popular in Toronto than hockey?
Such a challenging question on the day… Read More
TORONTO (Sep. 22) — In the current National Hockey League — with a condensed schedule of six months spanning three time zones of travel in Canada and the United States; with players skating on the same ice dimensions as their… Read More
TORONTO (Apr. 24) — Ten people are dead after the driver of a van mounted a sidewalk–curb in North York and indiscriminately bowled over pedestrians, making international news. And, yes, the Toronto Maple Leafs are once more en route to… Read More
TORONTO (Feb. 9) — As you settle into my Friday blog, pause for a moment and ask yourself this question: Do the Toronto Maple Leafs have a reasonable chance of winning the Stanley Cup this season?
When I say “reasonable”,… Read More