Leafs Playoff Path Is Wide Open

What if Columbus shocked the Lightning; Washington beat Carolina; the Leafs upset Boston and the Islanders defeated Pittsburgh? Second–round match–ups would be Washington vs. New York Islanders and Toronto vs. Columbus; the Maple Leafs with home–ice advantage. Strange stuff, indeed, Read More

Leafs Need More From 34

TORONTO (Apr. 14) — The white noise that Auston Matthews is probably trying to ignore could become deafening in the very near future. It is still too soon to burden the young Toronto Maple Leafs star with a label, but… Read More

There’s No Place Like Road

TORONTO (Apr. 12) — Sorry for the double–entendre, Judy Garland. But, it’s undeniable: the Toronto Maple Leafs just love packing up; bidding adieu to family/friends and staying in five–star hotels. It’s been that way since the beginning of October. The… Read More

Let’s Temper Babcock Hostility

TORONTO (Apr. 10) — Though I was very–likely the first local observer to write (on Jan. 28) that Mike Babcock needs an opening–round playoff victory to ensure he remains as coach of the Toronto Maple Leafs, the animus toward Babcock… Read More

Write it Down: The Leafs in 6

TORONTO (Apr. 8) — It’s alright. Call me crazy. Measure me for a straight–jacket. Order blood and urinalysis. Administer a warm, soapy enema if you think I’m full of sh**. But, in the end, be sure to remember where you… Read More

Would The Leafs Trade Kadri?

TORONTO (Apr. 6) — When Brian Burke questions Nazem Kadri, you have no choice but to pay attention. In his role as president and general manager of the Toronto Maple Leafs, Burke chose Kadri seventh overall (from the London Knights)… Read More

Leafs Will Have to Make History

TORONTO (Apr. 3) — No team has won the Stanley Cup after losing more than 14 games in regulation time on home ice during the regular season. The Toronto Maple Leafs, therefore, would break new ground by ending their 52–year… Read More

Sweet Revenge For John Tavares

@Berger_BYTES John Tavares will score tying goal late in 3p Monday at NYI, thus clinching a playoff spot for the #Leafs. Fate will come full circle. 8:20 PM · Mar 31, 2019 TORONTO (Apr. 2) — So, I called it… Read More

The Pulse of Leafs Nation

TORONTO (Mar. 31) — I’m not sure I would call it full–blown panic. But, pretty–darn close. After a number of dubious performances in the past month, a second loss by the Maple Leafs in 14 nights to the National Hockey… Read More

Will Freddy Be Ready?

TORONTO (Mar. 27) — Something is wrong. Whether it’s resulting from a late–season slump or a factor more ominous, Frederik Andersen has lost his way between the pipes for the Toronto Maple Leafs. That, alone, is hardly unfamiliar. Andersen’s performance… Read More

Nothing Matters Until Apr. 11

TORONTO (Mar. 26) — Whether the Toronto Maple Leafs demolish a team with no defensive posture (Florida), or get demolished by the best regular–season club in more than a generation (Tampa Bay), it is elementary for another two weeks. Until… Read More

Babcock Situation Intruging

TORONTO (Mar. 21) — Back on Jan. 28, I wrote a blog here (http://bit.ly/2WtCazl) suggesting Mike Babcock needs a first–round playoff victory to ensure a fifth season at the helm of the Maple Leafs. The notion was widely–ridiculed on social… Read More

Still Think Leafs Will Be Fine

TORONTO (Mar. 17) — Happy St. Patrick’s Day. Happy green blog–print. Perhaps I’m in the minority, but I’m still not overly concerned about the Leafs going into a defensive slump in mid–March. Far–better now than in mid–April. Neither do I… Read More

Perspective, Leafs Nation

TORONTO (Mar. 14) — As it pertains to followers of the Toronto Maple Leafs, the world as we knew it Monday afternoon came to an end at roughly 7:30 p.m. on Wednesday. Or, at least, to a giant pause. When… Read More

Again – That Enormous Task

TORONTO (Mar. 13) — The Maple Leafs play Chicago tonight at Scotiabank Arena. An opportunity to bounce back against a former multi–champion after getting drubbed, on Monday, by the runaway–favorite as next champion. It won’t be easy — with future… Read More

Catching Up with the Leafs

TORONTO (Mar. 9) — Okay… back on the key–pad after getting flattened for nearly a week by what felt like an old–time Bobby Baun hip–check. Or, in my case, the flu — thankfully, a strain more manageable than the H1N1… Read More

Over to You, Babs

“You get the sense (Kyle) Dubas won’t mind blaming (Mike) Babcock if the coach doesn’t get this group to do what it’s supposed to do — which is, at the very least, win the franchise its first playoff series in Read More

Are the Leafs Good Enough?

TORONTO (Feb. 22) — One game remains. Saturday night. Against rival Montreal at Scotiabank Arena. The proverbial “four–pointer” in the Atlantic Division. And, a final opportunity for Kyle Dubas and Co. to evaluate the roster before Monday’s National Hockey League… Read More
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